
Wildlife may be the first topic that comes to mind when you think of conservation: the panda, the elephant, the snow leopard, the grey wolf, the bald eagle, or any other well-known current or former endangered animal. These charismatic species are easy to rally behind, but the wildlife in your backyard or local park need the same basic resources as a rhinoceros: food, water, shelter, and space. Conservation for local wildlife is just as important as conservation for big-name species in exotic locales. Through understanding wildlife biology, ecology, and conservation, humans can reduce our negative impacts to wildlife and implement management strategies to help species thrive, both locally and globally.

In this study, students will learn about wildlife ecology, species identification, human-wildlife interactions and impacts, the importance of wildlife and habitat management and conservation, and more.

Learning Objective


Each area of study is divided into several different key topics, which vary from subject to subject. Underneath these key topics, you will find relevant learning objectives applicable to that topic for the level of testing expected at the NCF-Envirothon annual international competition-level testing.
Please Note:
1) In an effort to make the Learning Objectives as comprehensive as possible, the overall number of items for each area of study may be quite long! It is important to note, that not every learning objective listed will be used for every competition. These Learning Objectives serve as an overview of the types of knowledge and skills expected of students at the international level of competition. Please refer to the subject area resources for this year’s competition (typically posted in May of the competition year) for specific relevant topics.

2) If you are a new Envirothon team or Advisor (who has never trained or competed before), please check with your local State or Provincial Envirothon Program representative before you begin team trainings based on these Learning Objectives. Your local program may have their own learning objectives that students are expected to know that differ from those listed below. Every team that competes at the NCF-Envirothon annual international competition has to FIRST qualify by winning their local state, provincial or partner nation Envirothon competition, so team training should focus on information, resources and/or learning objectives developed for that competition-level.
View the Wildlife Learning Objectives below: