NCF-Envirothon Organizational Structure
The Envirothon® is a multi-level program consisting of in-class curriculum with hands-on outdoor field experiences, where students can learn natural resource management techniques from natural resource professionals. At all levels of competition, the Envirothon program encourages students to think critically and creatively about the natural world and their place in it.
Working in partnership with conservation agencies, organizations, and educational institutions, Envirothon programs are organized and conducted across the United States, Canada, China, and Singapore each year. These state, provincial, and partner nation programs are the first level of the broader NCF-Envirothon experience.
Extensive organization and planning are required at all levels to ensure the success of the Envirothon. All organizational levels of the Envirothon program must work together to promote the program, raise funds to cover program expenses, organize and conduct Envirothon competitions, and recruit advisors and teams to participate in the program.
National Conservation Foundation
NCF-Envirothon is a program of the National Conservation Foundation (NCF), a 501(c)3 organization that works to develop the next generation of conservation leaders. The NCF-Envirothon Operating Committee is appointed by the NCF to provide support, guidance, expertise, and more on the direction of the NCF-Envirothon program and competition.
The mission of NCF is to educate and prepare conservation leaders for the sustainability and regeneration of our natural resources. NCF cultivates, educates, and inspires conservation leaders of all ages.
Learn more on the National Conservation Foundation website.
NCF-Envirothon Operating Committee
The Operating Committee provides recommendations to the NCF Board of Trustees regarding the direction of the NCF-Envirothon program. They work to update educational guidelines and curriculum, competition rules and regulations, program policies, and more to aid partner Envirothon programs in better serving their educators and students.
The NCF-Envirothon Operating Committee is comprised of appointed representatives from the five Envirothon regions in North America: U.S. Southeast, U.S. Northeast, U.S. West, U.S. Midwest, and Canada, as well as At-Large representatives from any region. Their purpose is to:
provide recommendations to the NCF Board of Trustees as requested
assist the host of each annual competition in promoting, organizing, and conducting the Envirothon annual international competition
encourage the recruitment of teams and the development of state, provincial, local/regional programs, and competitions
seek new activities and educational materials for training advisors and teams
develop rules and policies for conducting the program.
Learn more at NCF-Envirothon Operating Committee Members
State, Provincial, and Partner Nation Envirothon Programs
The first step for any team participating in the NCF-Envirothon is to participate in their local state, provincial, or national Envirothon competition!
NCF-Envirothon Member Programs (state, provincial, and partner nation Envirothon programs) will organize and conduct their own local Envirothon educational programs and competitions each year. The Envirothon is structured to allow participating member programs maximum flexibility to individualize their competitions to suit local needs and opportunities, but all will consist of high school students, grades 9-12 (ages 14-19), studying and testing in the five areas of study: aquatic ecology, forestry, soils/land use, wildlife, and current environmental issues.
(Within some state and provincial programs, the local Envirothon program may include smaller “regional” or “area” competitions that serve as qualifying events for their state-wide or provincial-wide competitions. Additionally, some may also offer Middle School Envirothon competitions for students.)
Guided by an Advisor (often a teacher, mentor, parent, natural resource professional, or other educator), students work in teams of five to develop knowledge and skills to excel in the competitions.
The State, Provincial, and Partner Nation Envirothon competitions are the qualifying events for participating in the NCF-Envirothon annual international competition. The winning team from each is eligible to attend the NCF-Envirothon for recognition, awards, and scholarships. All NCF-Envirothon annual international competition participants will have first participated in their local state, provincial, or partner nation Envirothon competition.
To learn more about the State, Provincial, and Partner Nation Envirothon Programs, or to find the Envirothon program where you live, click on the below links: